Local 4-H Members Selected as Ambassadors
Fourteen 4-H members representing Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash and Wayne Counties have been selected to serve as 4-H Ambassadors. Youth ranging from 6th grade to College Freshman completed an application, secured a reference letter and completed an interview before selections were determined.
4-H Ambassadors purpose is to provide youth a voice into promoting the 4-H program and their own 4-H stories. 4-H Ambassadors can provide a huge impact on the local program as 4-H members are involved in promoting the benefits of membership to younger youth, their friends, potential volunteers, donors, and stakeholders.
We are so excited to offer the Ambassador program locally and cannot wait to showcase our Ambassadors 4-H experiences with you. If your club, business, or organization would like for your local 4-H Ambassadors to speak about the 4-H program please call your University of Illinois Extension Office at 618-445-2934.
Edwards County 4-H Ambassadors are: Ava Anderson, Hayley Buerster, Emma Wiseman and Jake Wiseman. Each of the Ambassadors were asked some questions. We would like to introduce each of them to the public.
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need reasonable accommodation to participate, please contact the Edwards Co. Extension office at 618.445.2934. Early requests are strongly encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting your access needs
Ava Anderson, an 8 year member of the Ellery Panthers.
Ava shared what 4-H has done for her: 4-H has made such a positive impact in my life. When I was younger, I never really understood the purpose of learning more than what was taught in school. However, I am so thrilled that I joined not only for the fun and friends, but for the life lessons and the projects we cannot be taught in school. For example, taking care of my pigs has taught me to love an animal and how to properly take care of the animal. In addition, I have learned responsibility and respect. Leadership skills are not something that are taught in school, but I wouldn’t be able to serve as an Ambassador if I had not been taught how to lead a group in my 4-H club and projects. 4-H has given me a place where I know I have friends and where I know people care about me. 4-H has given me the ability to excel in areas that are not offered in school. I would not have the capability to work in my community, lead a group, or serve as any type of Ambassador without the knowledge I’ve gained throughout my years of 4-H.
Ava commented on why she wanted to become an Ambassador: I wanted to become an Ambassador so I can share my love of 4-H. Many people do not realize how much 4-H can impact a single life. 4-H is not about the livestock shows and ribbons; it is about the skills you gain, friends you make, and experiences made. I hope by becoming an Ambassador, I am able to introduce more people to 4-H and help others share the love of 4-H in their community.
Hayley Buerster, a 9 year member of the Blue Ribbon club.
Hayley shared what 4-H has done for her: 4-H has taught me how to be responsible and be a leader for others. I have also made many friendships with others through 4-H.
Hayley commented on why she wanted to become an Ambassador: I wanted to become a 4-H Ambassador because I wanted to gain more knowledge about leadership and help bring more people into the 4-H organization.
Emma Wiseman, an 8 year member of the Ellery Panthers.
Emma shared what 4-H has done for her: 4-H has helped me become
more involved in the community. Through 4-H I’ve had many different
opportunities and grown into the person I am today.
Emma commented on why she wanted to become an Ambassador: I
wanted to become an Ambassador to further spread the word about this
organization, so that those who need it the most can find themselves in
Jake Wiseman, a 4 year member of the Ellery Panthers.
Jake shared what 4-H has done for him: 4-H has taught me to be a better
person and leader.
Jake commented on why he wanted to become an Ambassador: I wanted
to become an Ambassador for the experience.