News Releases

Stay safe in pools and hot tubs
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Water is a powerful conductor of electricity. It is especially important to be aware of electrical hazards around water. As temperatures soar this week, University of Illinois Extension provides these safety tips...
Reduce your risk of diabetes with proper nutrition
URBANA, Ill. – More than one in three adults have prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control, and many don’t know it. People with prediabetes have higher than normal blood glucose levels, which raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as type 2 diabetes. ...
Illinois Master Gardeners announce new volunteer website
URBANA, Ill. – University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners donated 189,392 hours across the state in 2019, answering questions, leading programs, and volunteering at community garden projects. These 2,719 garden enthusiasts of all ages volunteer at local Illinois Extension offices to...
Showy Annabelle hydrangea has historic roots in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. - The ‘Annabelle’ hydrangea has been a mainstay of the ornamental shrub world since its release in the 1960s. This showy shrub is filled with beautiful snowball-like flowers that adorn its spindly branches each summer. The blooms begin as pretty green puffs that turn white at...
COVID-19 expense relief available for local governments
URBANA, Ill. - The Local Coronavirus Urgent Remediation Emergency Support Program, CURE, is federally funded through the Coronavirus Relief Fund and reimburses local governments for costs specifically related to the COVID-19 public health emergency incurred since March 1, not previously budgeted...
Rural communities learn ways to recognize, manage stress
URBANA, Ill. - Volatile crop prices, global markets, and natural disasters create stress for rural residents, farmers, and ranchers. Even before the current health crisis, rural communities across the Midwest were dealing with additional economic stressors, such as the closing of coal-fired...
Learn safe food handling, prep methods
URBANA, Ill. - Approximately one in six Americans gets a foodborne illness each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Foodborne illnesses are not a minor inconvenience. In fact, the CDC estimates...
Uncovering the financial nightmare of COVID-19
URBANA, Ill. - As COVID-19 continues to burden systems around the world, the economic shock and effects of business closures, unemployment, unrealized tax collections, and Medicaid expenditures are being analyzed. A webinar co-sponsored by the University of Illinois Institute of Government...
Impacting You April 2020

A monthly publication highlighting recent Extension Programming in Coles, Cumberland, Douglas, Moultrie and Shelby Counties.  Read it here.