Carroll and Whiteside Co. 4-H Beef Weigh In
Lee County 4-H Beef Weigh In
Session 4: Frosting Fun 4-H SPIN Club
Bottle Gardens: A Terrarium Workshop | Sauk Valley Community College
Explore the enclosed world of bottle terrariums! Learn how to create a self-sustaining plant environment within glass. Discover what terrariums need to thrive, then build your own bottle terrarium…
Illinois 4-H Horse Judging Contest
Registration is open for the 2025 4-H State Horse Judging ContestThis event will be held at 1pm on February 2 at the Black Hawk College East campus!
In the State 4-H Horse Judging…
Edible Art 4-H SPIN Club
Wits Fitness Mt. Carroll | February
Do you wish your brain could be more agile? Is your memory not as sharp as you would like? Engage in interactive activities designed to enhance cognitive function and memory in Wits Fitness Brain…
Wits Fitness Thomson | February
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Kara Schweitzer each month as she leads participants through interactive activities designed to exercise the brain and maintain and enhance cognitive…
Session 2: Cake, Cookies & Cupcakes Oh My!
Understanding How Diet and Lifestyle Impact Inflammation
Inflammation is the body's natural response to stressors. Understanding what causes inflammation and how to manage it better is the first step to improving your overall health. Many lifestyle…