12923 Lawrence Road Sterling IL 61081
Allie Johnston is the 4-H Program Coordinator for Whiteside County. She holds a BA in Business Administration and Marketing, and a minor in Art, from Augustana College in Rock Island, IL. She likes to be involved in her community and is a member of a few different groups. She serves as the Sauk Valley Area Chamber Ambassadors co-chair, and on the Chambers Education and Welcome Home committee. She is also part of the Sauk Valley Keystone Group’s Steering Committee, a member of the Sterling Kiwanis Club, and volunteers as a mentor through the Sterling Public Schools mentor program.
In her role as 4-H Program Coordinator, she is responsible for implementing 4-H youth development programs designed to foster the acquisition of knowledge and the development of individuals and communities in Whiteside County. With the help of her co-workers, they identify critical priority needs and issues to be addressed throughout the Carroll, Lee, and Whiteside counties, primarily the 4-H Community Club. She works to develop plans to involve volunteers in specific educational activities, which include identifying roles, recruitment, training, and recognition.
Johnston joined University of Illinois Extension in January 2013, and in 2018 received the Interdisciplinary Unit Team Excellence award from University of Illinois Extension. Allie is passionate about her position in the 4-H Program. She believes 4-H is for everyone and has loved watching firsthand the youth who have come and gone from 4-H and all that it taught them about life. Allie has strived to meet the needs of the community and all of her 4-H members. She is all about “making the best better.”