News Releases

cover crops in field
Cover cropping up to 7.2% in U.S. Midwest, boosted by government programs
URBANA, Ill. – Cover crops, with their ability to reduce erosion and promote soil health, are being planted across more Midwestern land than ever. That’s according to new University of Illinois research showing cover crop adoption reached 7.2% in 2021, up from just 1.8% a decade prior. The...
sweet corn
Sweet corn sweltering in summer heat spells uncertainty for corn lovers
URBANA, Ill. – Few things say summer in America more than buttery corn on the cob, but as summer temperatures climb to unprecedented levels, the future of sweet corn may not be so sweet. New University of Illinois research shows sweet corn yields drop significantly with extreme heat during...
digging up invasive plants
Best way to estimate costs for invasive plant removal? Get out and dig
URBANA, Ill. – Plants are designed to travel. They might not stand up and walk, but many plants produce seeds or other bits that can be carried long distances by wind or animals and start growing. While that might be great news for the plant, escapes like these can disrupt natural ecosystems and...
bean field
Explore agriculture technology to inform the future of digital ag
URBANA, Ill. – The agriculture industry is changing – driverless full-sized tractors can till fields and robots are milking cows and feeding calves. New digital farming technologies like robots and autonomous field equipment are coming out every day. But these labor-saving machines have also...
man watching for bats in the woods
Bats’ midnight snacks reveal clues for managing endangered species
URBANA, Ill. – How do we bring threatened and endangered animals back from the brink? The task is never easy or simple, but one thing is undeniably true: If we don’t understand these animals and what they need to survive, we have little chance of success. Saving bats, then, is arguably a...
tomato plants
Community gardens fight food insecurity close to home
URBANA, Ill. - Illinois is home to some of the most fertile soils in the world. No one should go hungry here. Every year, Illinois Extension staff and Master Gardener volunteers around the state fight food insecurity with fruits and vegetables fresh from the garden. By working with local...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Dixon Springs Beef Field Day focuses on costs, water, herd health
DIXON SPRINGS, Ill. – Cattle producers can learn the latest practices for controlling costs, managing water, and improving herd health at the Beef Field Day at University of Illinois' Dixon Springs Agricultural Center.  The field day begins at 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug 2 at the...
a group of people standing in front of large barrels
Extension finds common ground, connects public with agriculture
URBANA, Ill. - Whether large commercial agriculture operations, small farms, or community and backyard gardens, the future of our food supply relies on the use of practices that boost production and capacity. Illinois growers at all levels benefit from effective, efficient, and sustainable...
a young white girl and white boy hold baby chicks in front of a tub holding more chicks
Finding common ground: Extension connects public with agriculture
URBANA, Ill. – Whether large commercial agriculture operations, small farms, or community and backyard gardens, the future of our food supply relies on the use of practices that boost production and capacity. Illinois growers at all levels benefit from effective, efficient, and sustainable...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Guide outlines steps to take when pesticide drift occurs
URBANA, Ill. – Pesticides assist in managing pests. People should use precise application techniques detailed on the label so they don’t endanger people, pets, livestock, plants, and the environment. Damage can occur when pesticide drifts from its intended location onto...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Cover crops not enough to improve soil after decades of continuous corn
  URBANA, Ill. – Although about 20% of Illinois cropping systems are planted to continuous corn, it’s nearly impossible to find fields planted this way for decades at a time. Yet long-term experiments like one at the University of Illinois, including over 40 years of continuous corn...
Illinois Extension wordmark
$3.9M USDA NIFA grant funds ‘Farm of the Future’
Urbana, Ill. — The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced today that it is funding a new collaboration between two institutes and a research center at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign that will create an integrated farm of the future in the U.S. Midwest. Titled “I-...
An opening in a forest
Prevent the spread of invasive species in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. – You may not know what an invasive species is, but you've likely heard about them and the price tags they can carry. The estimated cost of managing the damages caused by invasive species such as the emerald ash borer or Asian carp is $120 billion annually in the U.S. ...
A group of people in front of bat boxes
Bat box design, placement matter for energy balance in endangered bats
URBANA, Ill. – Imagine if you had to catch every bite of your dinner with your mouth, while flying, in the dark. You’d be exhausted, and probably pretty hungry. Though some bats go for sedentary insects, most catch their food on the wing every single night. Let that sink in. Because they...