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Logan/Menard/Sangamon 4-H International Night

tabletop displays by 4-H'ers on Philippines and Japan
Event Date(s)
Sangamon Extension Office

Join us for an evening of learning and sharing about cultures from around the world!  Friends, family, and the public are welcome to attend.

4-H members can participate as a club, small group, and/or individual.  Participation includes a display about your country AND an informal presentation on the most interesting things you learned about your county.  Countries are “claimed” on a first come, first served basis by registering by April 10.  

Participation Details:

  • Please arrive at 5:30 PM to set up your display before the event begins.  You will have one 6-foot table for your display.   If you have an idea that would require additional space or special setup (such as electricity), please note that when registering.
  • Displays can include photos or objects that illustrate your country’s unique characteristics.  Consider having an activity people can do while visiting your table, such as a simple craft or game.  If you bring a “taste” of your country for people to sample, please clearly display a list of all ingredients.  (All food should be prepared before arriving.) 
  • Presentations are less than 5 minutes, and members may use notes or speak freely.
  • Someone should be with your display at all times to talk about your country, but we encourage participants to take turns staying with their own display and visiting other displays.
  • Think about what makes your country unique – location, environment, language, history, money, food, clothing, architecture, art, music, dance, literature, sports, religion/philosophy, etc.  Be as focused or as broad as you desire, and be creative!  Need help getting started?  A great resource for reliable information and public domain images is the CIA World Factbook.  Find more ideas and resources in the new Illinois 4-H International Night Participation Guide.