Learn about hydroponics and plasticulture.
Bill Bass of Bass Farms is teaming up with University of Illinois Extension to host the first of four twilight meetings at his farm on Monday, May 15, 2023, starting at 6 p.m. The Bass family has a long history in agriculture production, raising fruits and vegetables, livestock, and row crops in southern Illinois for over 50 years. Operating as a diversified family farm, each production area encompasses about one-third of their total farming enterprise. With a focus on providing fresh, high-quality produce directly to local consumers, Bass Farms’ main crops include strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries, blackberries, and peppers, all grown on about 30 acres.
Bass will share lessons learned in the last 20 years of growing plasticulture strawberries and hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes. He will focus on production practices within his greenhouse structure and the plasticulture strawberry fields, including his experiences with variety selection, fertility, and pest management. Bass will also discuss why they invested in hydroponic greenhouse tomato production and how it has impacted the farm’s retail marketing strategy.
Participants will meet north of the farm stand at their greenhouse, which is located at the intersection of U.S. 51 and Cobden School Rd. There is no cost to attend this in-person program, but registration is appreciated. Visit go.illinois.edu/2023twilightseries or call (618) 695-2441.
Explore Additional Programs in the Southern Illinois Summer Twilight Series
During warm summer evenings, you’ll find our Local Foods team hosting events to highlight and demonstrate diverse farming enterprises across southern Illinois. Over the past eight years, the team has partnered with area farms to provide evening twilight meetings to allow participants to experience different types of production and marketing practices utilized by local producers.
Pasture-Raised Livestock and Poultry | June 12 | Burnt Hill Cattle Co. LLC (Dahlgren)
Direct-Market Sales | July 17 | Riverside Mercantile Store (Elizabethtown)
Cover Crops & Pumpkin Production | August 21 | The Patch (Marion)