Fall is right around the corner.
Illinois Extension educators are teaming up with The Patch in Marion to share information on cover crops, pumpkin production, and fall agritourism. Samantha and Adam Dahmer, owners of The Patch, will discuss their management of a 10 acre pumpkin field. The Dahmers are passionate about soil health and being resilient during adverse growing conditions. Adam grew-up on a farm that has been 100% no-till since the early 80s, and he has incorporated those practices into growing pumpkins no-till with cover crops. Along with the main season, Samantha also offers pop-up vendor fairs throughout the year at The Patch, including mum day and fern day. Throughout, the evening we will discuss various management techniques, marketing, and learn more about The Patch!
Explore Additional Programs in the Southern Illinois Summer Twilight Series
During warm summer evenings, you’ll find our Local Foods team hosting events to highlight and demonstrate diverse farming enterprises across southern Illinois. Over the past eight years, the team has partnered with area farms to provide evening twilight meetings to allow participants to experience different types of production and marketing practices utilized by local producers.
Hydroponic Tomato and Strawberry Plasticulture Production | May 15 | Bass Farms (Cobden)
Pasture-Raised Livestock and Poultry | June 12 | Burnt Hill Cattle Co. LLC (Dahlgren)
Direct-Market Sales | July 17 | Riverside Mercantile Store (Elizabethtown)