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Cover Crops

Blog Posts

black trays filled with soil with small green seedlings growing
Read article: From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Seedlings and cover crops are springing into action
From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Seedlings and cover crops are springing into action
With all seeds ordered and in hand, pepper seeds were germinated and potted up into flats during the second and third weeks of February respectively...
thick black plastic covering ground
Read article: From Central Illinois (Bloomington): Tarping new location for Unity Community Center garden
From Central Illinois (Bloomington): Tarping new location for Unity Community Center garden
The Unity Community Center’s Food Production and Demonstration Garden I manage every year has had to move. We are in the process of relocating the...
ice coating an apple tree branch
Read article: From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Winter weather not effecting cover crops in high tunnel
From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Winter weather not effecting cover crops in high tunnel
The last month or so has provided some time to catch our breath and think about the upcoming growing season. Most of the seeds and supplies have been...
a few green plants growing in rows inside high tunnel
Read article: From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Cover crop establishment in high tunnel
From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Cover crop establishment in high tunnel
The cover crops seeded in the “treatment” high tunnel are growing, although not as evenly as hoped. The crimson clover stand is almost non-existent,...

News Releases

Tara Heath staff photo
Tara Heath promoted to Extension crops educator
LEWISTOWN, Ill. - The agriculture industry continues to change rapidly, impacting everyone from the producers to the industry professionals to the food consumers. University of Illinois Extension is growing its team of commercial agriculture educators to provide research-based, unbiased...
A person flying a drone above a herd of beef cattle standing in a pasture for grazing management.
Explore cutting-edge agricultural technology with I-FARM Learning Series
URBANA, Ill. — Identifying on-farm needs to increase efficiency, safety, practicality, and overall profitability is where ideas for adapting technology begin. From there, advancing technology for productivity and sustainability seems to be more within reach in a changing agricultural landscape....


Cover Crops and Gardens

There is a lot of talk about the use of cover crops in agricultural settings. What about in gardens? Duane Friend discusses cover crop use in gardens, its benefits, and field demonstrations of its potential.
