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Dane Hunter

Dane Hunter
Commercial Agriculture Specialist

1404 E Main Rt. 50 E Salem IL 62881

Program Areas
Commercial Agriculture

Dane Hunter serves as a commercial ag specialist in southern Illinois. Dane grew up near Salem where he still farms with his family in a rotation focused around wheat and beans in addition to corn. As a youth, he was active in 4-H livestock judging and earned his American FFA degree. He graduated with his B.S. in Agriculture Educator from the University of Illinois in 2009 and taught high school ag and science for four years before returning to the University of Illinois for graduate school and earning an M.S. in 2015 in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture. Hunter also managed Southern Illinois University-Carbondale’s Belleville Research Center for five years before starting with Illinois Extension.

Coming from a farm background, he strives to maintain a practical grounding in all research endeavors, focusing on environmental and economic sustainability. Hunter oversees research at the Ewing Demonstration Farm, collaborating with researchers from universities and partner organizations, as well as industry groups.  In addition to experience with soil and weed science in small plot research, he works with complex agronomic system management practices such as agroforestry and alley cropping, wheat-soy double cropping, and cover crop integration. Hunter is also a Certified Crop Advisor, UAV pilot, and aerial applicator.