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Blog Posts

Rotating Crops for a More Resilient Garden  raised garden beds with various garden crops
Read article: Rotating crops for a more resilient garden
Rotating crops for a more resilient garden
As the growing season approaches, final plans are being made for home gardens. What to plant and where to plant are big questions that require...
Constructed wetland next to a walking path
Read article: Constructed wetlands for water quality: Perceptions in today's society
Constructed wetlands for water quality: Perceptions in today's society
Wetlands are some of the most vital yet understood ecosystems, often portrayed in...
Woodchip bioreactor
Read article: Building better waterways: Installing woodchip bioreactors
Building better waterways: Installing woodchip bioreactors
sunset shining through snowy forest
Read article: Are cold temperatures good for soil quality?
Are cold temperatures good for soil quality?
Cold winter air is one reason that we have highly productive soil in Illinois and the Midwest. Temperature plays a major role in how much organic...

News Releases


Vermicomposting - Turning Leftovers into Soil

When we are asked to describe an ocean, forest, desert, or even our backyard we can give a pretty clear description about what one might find there. When asked what is under the ground, we tend to be unsure and it becomes clear how little we know about what is below our own backyards. Worms come...

School and Community Gardens Learning Module

Bring the garden into the schoolyard with our online School and Community Gardens Self-Paced Learning Modules. A school garden can be many things, from a pollinator garden, to a sensory garden, or a bulb garden. Our online learning modules focus on vegetable gardening while we take you on a...