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Blog Posts

What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale. Magnolia scale on the branch of a magnolia tree.
Read article: What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale
What’s that white stuff on my magnolia tree? Magnolia scale
Magnolias are popular trees and shrubs in many landscapes. Their large, showy flowers can range from white to pink to yellow and provide a burst of...
Flagging damage caused by periodical cicadas
Read article: Dead Branch Tips-Cicadas Last Gift
Dead Branch Tips-Cicadas Last Gift
Did periodical cicadas make their presence known around your house? Are you now seeing the ends of tree branches turning brown and dying? The...
suburban house with small trees landscaped around it
Read article: Remember summer care for your trees
Remember summer care for your trees
Welcome to summer! The heat, periodic drought, and summer storms can really take a toll on your trees. Here are some tips on how you can help your...
Norway maple leaves
Read article: Norway Maple Woes: Why it’s on my Do Not Plant list
Norway Maple Woes: Why it’s on my Do Not Plant list
We are stuck with the trees planted by those who came before us. At least I am at my house. Mostly because they are so expensive to cut down. One...

News Releases

Take care of your trees with summer Forestry Stewardship Series
URBANA, Ill. — Illinois has 4.8 million acres of tree-covered land. From shading homes and feeding wildlife to producing oxygen and filtering water, trees do a lot of heavy lifting. Give them a hand by discovering innovative, research-based management options in the summer Forestry...
a group of people stand in a circle in a field surrounded by trees listening to someone speak from the back of a truck
Growing Extension forestry team speaks for the trees
URBANA, Ill. — Oaks, elms, hickories, and other trees cover Illinois in a tapestry of forests and woodlands that shade homes and parks, shelter and feed wildlife, produce oxygen, and stabilize soil. Trees once covered more than a third of Illinois, but now that number is halved and disease,...
A tree buried by grade change during construction causing a hole around it.
Protect trees and their roots during construction projects
URBANA, Ill. — While essential for development, construction projects often damage trees and their intricate root systems. Even the beautiful trees that are sitting on a site and desired to be kept following construction can become damaged and later experience decline....


Be Safe When Trimming Trees Near Power Lines

Trees and power lines often find themselves mingling together causing safety concerns and requiring a utility’s attention. Oftentimes people aren’t happy about what has to happen next. From funny shaped trees to proper trimming techniques to picking out the right tree to plant around lines, this...
