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Blog Posts

Growing inspiration: mocha mousse hues in the garden image is dormant switchgrass with a blue sky background
Read article: Growing inspiration: mocha mousse hues in the garden
Growing inspiration: mocha mousse hues in the garden
Each year, a variety of establishments attempt to make news by predicting annual garden trends. I’m conflicted over these reports because, on the one...
How does cold weather affect garden plants? Snow covered landscape.
Read article: How does cold weather affect garden plants?
How does cold weather affect garden plants?
As cold weather sets in, we often find ourselves retreating indoors where it is warm. However, our landscape plants can't do this, and during...
A grove of silver maple trees in a flood plain.
Read article: Why Some Plants Thrive While Others Struggle: The Role of Soil, Climate, and Competition
Why Some Plants Thrive While Others Struggle: The Role of Soil, Climate, and Competition
Plant competition is an instrumental part of natural ecosystems, with winners and losers in all cases. Still, it is really fascinating to consider...
The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained dead leaves of an oak remain on the branches a woodland is in the background
Read article: The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained
The stubborn beauty of oak leaves: marcescence explained
Three of my most prized trees are the oaks we planted in our front yard shortly after we moved. They share our front yard with a black gum (Nyssa...

News Releases

Tree with blue and green branches and leaves.
Join the Mad Botanist at Gardening Insights 2025
DECATUR, Ill. — Get ready to cultivate your knowledge at University of Illinois Extension's Gardening Insights 2025 hosted by the Macon County Master Gardeners. Registration is now open for this half-day event...


Be Safe When Trimming Trees Near Power Lines

Trees and power lines often find themselves mingling together causing safety concerns and requiring a utility’s attention. Oftentimes people aren’t happy about what has to happen next. From funny shaped trees to proper trimming techniques to picking out the right tree to plant around lines, this...
