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Tree Fruits


Blog Posts

row of apple trees in an orchard
Read article: From Northern Illinois (Rockford): Apple crop developing as expected
From Northern Illinois (Rockford): Apple crop developing as expected
It was great to see many of you at the start of June at the Summer Hort Field Day up north at Jonamac Orchards. One of the takeaways I always enjoy...
small green bug on a leaf
Read article: Potato leafhoppers are moving into Illinois
Potato leafhoppers are moving into Illinois
It is starting to be potato leafhopper season in Illinois. Potato leafhoppers are pests on a variety of crops (fruit, vegetable, ornamental) and they...
tomatoes and flowers growing in raised beds inside high tunnel
Read article: From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Crop development looking good in high tunnels
From Dixon Springs Ag Center: Crop development looking good in high tunnels
In our current research project, “Strategies for Improving Biological Control of Insect Pests for Vegetable Growers Utilizing High Tunnels”...
two periodical cicadas on an apple tree limb
Read article: From Southwestern Illinois (Waterloo): Example of periodical cicada damage on apple trees
From Southwestern Illinois (Waterloo): Example of periodical cicada damage on apple trees
Out in the field, most crops have been off to a good start. There was a week or two of some downtime on planting due to the wet weather, but some of...

News Releases

A split image of a peach tree and a blueberry bush.
Extension to offer February programs on fruit trees and small fruits
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. – Fruit trees and small fruits can add a sweet addition to your home landscape or garden. Join Extension for two free programs in February to learn how to grow a bountiful harvest of delicious fruit right outside your back door. Growing fruit trees can be a rewarding...
4 seasons gardening winter webinars
Get the dirt on growing healthy plants
URBANA, Ill. – Become a better gardener and find success nurturing plants indoors and out. Learn best practices for home gardening from University of Illinois Extension horticulture educators in the Four Seasons Gardening webinar series that begins...
Fruit trees need an annual trim to bear best fruit
URBANA, Ill. – Most deciduous trees are best pruned while they are in full dormancy. This happens to be February or March for this part of the country.  While many of our landscape trees don’t necessarily need yearly pruning, the same can’t be said for fruit trees, especially if you...
Build confidence in fruit tree pruning with free educational workshop
CLINTON, Ill. – Want to make an apple or peach pie, but your fruit tree isn’t bearing enough fruit? Pruning may be the answer. Pruning can improve tree vigor, encourage flower and fruit production, and attain the desired shape. Learn about this and more in a hands-on workshop hosted by...