Black History Month highlights the achievements & accomplishments of African Americans and also their role in U.S. history. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month.
4-H members in Christian, Jersey, Macoupin, and Montgomery counties have the opportunity to enter in the contests below.
Coloring Contest
Research influential African Americans in history and select and print off your coloring sheet from:
- Color using crayons, colored pencils, or markers
- Write name, age, and county on back of coloring sheet
- Age categories (5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-18)
Prizes for TOP 2 in each age division.
One entry per person.
All drawings will on our social media pages throughout February.
Creative Writing Contest
Choose one of the following writing prompts:
If I could meet any influential African American person who would I choose and why?
Choose a famous quote from an influential African American. Share the significance and what it means to you.
- Must be typed on 8.5x11 white paper
- Maximum of 500 words
- Include a title
- Include name, current age, and county in upper left hand corner of page
- Age categories (8-10, 11-13, 14-18)
Prizes for TOP 2 in each age division.
One entry per person.
Judging criteria for creative writing:
- Point of View (clearly stated and well-supported)
- Quality of Writing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, spacing)
- Creativity and Meaningful Response (use of critical thinking and creative thinking)
Entries are due to your local Extension office by Feb. 22 to be considered and will displayed at your local Extension office.