Add spice and color to your life with fresh herbs and flowers.
No homestead or small farm is complete without a flower and herb patch. They are a great addition to in-town gardens, garden beds and landscapes. Herbs and flowers can offer many benefits to us as food, aesthetics, or as an added value item to your farm stand. Our modern homesteading series continues with a free program on flowers and herbs. Horticulture Educator Chris Leuking will lead the program as she covers:
- Growing flowers and herbs
- Bed preparation
- Fertilizer
- Weed management
- Herb and flower varieties
The program is free, but we ask that you register. Visit go.illinois.edu/HomesteadingFlowersHerbs or call (618) 687-1727 to reserve your spot.
Explore the Modern Homesteading Series
Join Illinois Extension each month as we host a series of free modern homesteading programs. Unless otherwise noted, all programs will take place at 5:30 p.m. at the Jackson County Extension office at 402 Ava Rd. in Murphysboro, IL, 62966. For a full list of topics and to register for upcoming programs, please visit go.illinois.edu/ModernHomesteading