Scary? Challenging? We can help.

Step-by-step towards your dreams.

You can take charge of your finances to reach your dreams. Step 1: conquer daily financial challenges. Step 2: time to dream a little -- what's important to you? Step 3: Take action on your dreams!

Illinois Extension is here to help you along your financial path with good quality information and resources. We have a webinar, blog post, and/or podcast for you!

Explore this website and attend Illinois Extension workshops. Many workshops are featured as live online webinars as well as in-person. Join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming workshops.

piggy bank sitting on cash

Engage with Money Basics and Improve Your Financial Well-being

The Money Basics series is a free, monthly webinar to improve
participants’ financial well-being through various money topics.
This safe and non-judgmental series will also provide simple tools to
use in everyday life.

Turn your Dreams into Goals

Dice spelling investment terms

Invest wisely for your long-term goals

Begin your investing journey by learning the language and concepts related to growing wealth.

Explore Playlist of Investing Webinars

display of baked breads

Develop a hobby into a second gig

Do you have a favorite activity that you'd like to develop? Listen to the Cottage Foods and Second Gigs podcast, and dream a little!

Listen to the Podcast

Man buried by books and I.O.U. signs

Pay down student loans effectively

Explore student loan repayment options to find the one that fits your needs the best! Participate in the free webinar, Student Loan Management, April 3.

Register for the Webinar Now

Piggy bank with graduation cap

Webinar Series for Young Adults

The Get Savvy webinar series is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to enhance your financial well-being. Join us for a comprehensive lineup covering a range of topics that are essential for managing your finances in today's world, like:

  • Steps to Investing: What to Know Now | February 7, 2024
  • Save Money on Food | March 6
  • Student Loan Management | April 3
  • Money, Stress, and Bad Habits | May 1

All ages welcome! Register now or read about the free webinars on our website. All webinars are open to the public and start at 12 PM CT.

More Resources

Whether working towards your strong financial foundation means tackling savings, bills or debt management, Illinois Extension has tools to build healthy money habits.
Woman looking at cell phone

Personal Finance E-Newsletter

Every twist and turn in our life path brings a need for different information about personal finances. Stay up-to-date on Illinois Extension's events and resources by subscribing to our quarterly Personal Finance E-Newsletter. We aim to have what you need, when you need it!