News Releases

a field of straw and cover crops
Farmers share how to keep your soil on your fields
EFFINGHAM, Ill. — When it comes to farming, there is no substitute for experience. This August, producers and landowners can connect with local Illinois farmers and learn from others’ hands-on knowledge on preventing soil loss in their fields at the Cultivating Conversations: Preventing Soil...
A tree buried by grade change during construction causing a hole around it.
Protect trees and their roots during construction projects
URBANA, Ill. — While essential for development, construction projects often damage trees and their intricate root systems. Even the beautiful trees that are sitting on a site and desired to be kept following construction can become damaged and later experience decline....
A pile of specialty decor pumpkins of a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors.
Explore commercial pumpkin production at Extension field day
URBANA, Ill. — As Illinois ranks number one in both pumpkin production and processing, it provides a great opportunity to bring together growers, producers, and those who love talking pumpkins.University of Illinois Extension can help kick off...
A hand scrubbing a non-stick pan
Take steps to reduce exposure to PFAS chemicals
URBANA, Ill. — PFAS are chemicals commonly found in consumer goods that are making their way into drinking water supplies where they are a risk to human health, but there are steps people can take to protect themselves.PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of more than 15...
a group of people stand in a circle in a field surrounded by trees listening to someone speak from the back of a truck
Growing Extension forestry team speaks for the trees
URBANA, Ill. — Oaks, elms, hickories, and other trees cover Illinois in a tapestry of forests and woodlands that shade homes and parks, shelter and feed wildlife, produce oxygen, and stabilize soil. Trees once covered more than a third of Illinois, but now that number is halved and disease,...