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Dixon Springs Agricultural Center

The Dixon Springs Agricultural Center was established in 1934 near Simpson in Pope County. It is the largest experiment station of its kind east of the Mississippi River. DSAC links the laboratories and classrooms of University of Illinois and the USDA with the farms in Southern Illinois. Researchers at DSAC coordinate their programs to meet the needs of area farmers.

Learn more about Dixon Springs Ag Center and information about ongoing Ag research in Southern Illinois here:

News Releases
trees behind a corn field
New agroforestry maps plot environmental, social, and economic benefits of trees
URBANA, Ill. — There’s a longstanding attitude in many farming communities that trees and agriculture don’t mix. But agroforestry — the intentional integration of trees and shrubs in agricultural systems, such as planting trees as windbreaks, integrating trees on pastures, or growing tree crops...
diverse group of young people gardening
Spring into gardening with tools and tips at upcoming gardening programs
URBANA, Ill. — Spring is near, and your green thumb is ripe for gardening. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just getting started, growing nutrient-rich vegetables, fresh fruits, and aromatic herbs is more than just a way to fill your plate; it is like a badge of honor. Gardening...
a cover crop growing in a farm field
Farmers share how to keep valuable soil in fields
LAWRENCEVILLE, Ill. — When it comes to farming, there is no substitute for experience. This March, producers and landowners can connect with local Illinois farmers and learn from others’ hands-on knowledge on preventing soil loss in their fields at the Cultivating Conversations: Preventing Soil...

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