
The Weight Equation: An Introduction to Weight Management

Healthy Living Webinar Series
County: JoDaviess, Stephenson, Winnebago
Establishing and maintaining a healthy body weight is not just about following a diet plan or being active. It is a culmination of all of our daily choices, those that are made consistently over time…

Private and Commercial Applicator Test

County: Stephenson

This test-only session for private and commercial applicators will be held at the Stephenson County Farm Bureau. There is no fee to attend, but registration is required. 

Wee Nats

Sensational Snow
County: Winnebago

Join the University of Illinois Extension for Wee Naturalists (Wee Nats), a fun, interactive program for youth ages 4-7, where they will learn about different environmental education topics…

Wee Nats

Sensational Snow
County: JoDaviess

Learn about nature at Wee Nats (Wee Naturalists), a fun interactive program for youth ages 4-7. Youth will learn about different environmental education topics through a story, activity, craft,…

Understanding Emotional Eating: How Stress Impacts Hunger & Appetite

Healthy Living Webinar Series
County: JoDaviess, Stephenson, Winnebago
Believe it or not, we do not always eat to satisfy our physical hunger. Many of us turn to food for any number of reasons. Perhaps we are looking for comfort or feeling stressed and overwhelmed with…

Move More for Better Health

Healthy Living Webinar Series
County: JoDaviess, Stephenson, Winnebago
Physical activity is a cornerstone for wellness and significantly improves overall health. Yet, only one in four adults meet the physical activity recommendations for aerobic and muscle-strengthening…



2025 Driftless Region Beef Conference

Learn from other cattle producers near and far to strengthen herd operation.

With the national beef cow herd at record low numbers and fed cattle numbers still decreasing, marketing and the future…

Winter Trails and Naturalist Tales

Save the Date!
County: Winnebago

Save the date for our annual Winter Trails and Naturalist Tales event scheduled for January 25 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Torstenson's Education Center, 13735 Cook Road, Pecatonica.

Northwest Illinois Agronomy Summit

Illinois Extension 2025 Agronomy Summits
Start at the soil level to keep farm management decisions trending upward. 

Every growing season, corn and soybean producers have to make numerous management decisions that affect their bottom…

Wee Nats

County: Stephenson

Learn about nature at Wee Nats (Wee Naturalists), a fun interactive program for youth ages 4-7. Youth will learn about different environmental education topics through a story, activity, craft,…