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University of Illinois Extension

News Releases
 four different photos of restaurant food safety
Get your certified food protection manager certification
Americans love dining out. Whether celebrating a special occasion or simply eating on the go, eating out is a part of our lives. With an ever-growing number of individuals eating out, it is more important than ever to ensure consumers have exceptional, high-quality food and safe food.The...
fresh cut flowers in a tea cup.
Turn fresh cut flowers into a beautiful arrangement
Have you ever considered growing a cut flower garden? As gardeners, we often incorporate flowers into the landscape to bring color to the outdoors, but have you ever considered a garden just for cut flowers? Beautiful bouquets from the garden can brighten a room or make a...
blue and orange background, with photo of a pressure canner lid and dial
Learn how to pressure can green beans
If you find yourself with a bumper crop of green beans, consider preserving them and enjoying them throughout the coming year. Green beans can be dehydrated, frozen, pickled, or canned for long-term storage. If you are planning on canning your green beans, they, like most...
Tart Cherries hanging from branch
Tart cherry season begins in Northern Illinois
While it may seem early, tart cherries are almost ready in backyard and commercial orchards in Northern Illinois. The tart cherry harvest season will begin in the next two weeks, towards the middle and end of June, maybe even sooner.“June remains an...
bunch of herbs on left side with a tan background. on right side is a basket with a variety of garden produce
Maximize flavor with culinary herbs
Are you looking for ways to make healthier meals without giving up flavor? It can be as simple as adding a few herbs to your favorite dish instead of salt. Or cut the amount of sugar by adding items like vanilla and cinnamon.Making small changes,...

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