4-H in Winnebago County
What's it like in 4-H?
In 4-H, you get to decide what topics and projects interest you most. You make 4-H what you want it to be. Work on many projects or focus on one or two. Choose what events sound fun to you, and do them. In 4-H, you have an important role in making your community a better place to live, but you don’t have to do it alone. As a club, you’ll figure out what’s needed most in your neighborhood and find ways to help.
In 4-H, you’re part of a family working together. At club meetings, you’ll learn how to get along with others as you build your skills and help your community. In 4-H, you’ll meet adults who care about you and want to help you succeed. 4-H matches you with mentors who will coach you in areas like problem solving, communicating, and teamwork. 4-H introduces you to potential careers and then gives you the training to get the career you want.
Local Clubs
- Burritt Winners, 6:30 PM, first Monday of the month
- Centerville Knot Ketchers, 7 PM, second Thursday of the month
- Clover Crusaders, 6 PM, second Monday of the month
- Guilford Gainers, 7 PM, second Monday of the month
- Machesney Pilots, 6 PM, second Monday of the month
- Midway Marvels, 1 PM, second Sunday of the month
- New England Banners, 7 PM, second Tuesday of the month
- North Main Rustlers, 6:30 PM, third Tuesday of the month
- Owen Blue Bonnets, 6 PM, fourth Monday of the month
- Seward Determination, 7 PM, second Monday of the month
- Stars Stripes & Clovers, 2 PM, second Sunday of the month
- Tri River Tryers, 6 PM, second Thursday of the month
- Winnebago Wide Awakes, 7 PM, third Monday of the month
- Winnebago Shooting Sports, call for information
2024-2025 Winnebago County 4-H Show Calendar
Winnebago County 4-H Progam Book 2024
Public Presentation Exhibition
Photo and Video Model Release Form
Horse Project
Woodworking Projects
- Woodworking 1 - Framing a Picture
- Woodworking 1 - Hold Those Letters
- Woodworking 1 - Your Own Box
- Woodworking 2 - Birdhouse Apartment
- Woodworking 2 - Putting A Foot Up - Footstool
- Woodworking 3 - A Box of Many Uses
- Woodworking 3 - Bookcase
- Woodworking 3 - A Jigsaw Puzzle
- Woodworking 4 - Step Stool - Chair
- Woodworking 4 - Table Top Hockey Game
Information and Events
YQCA Youth for the Quality Care of Animals training must be completed every year for youth showing beef, dairy, goats, sheep, or swine
YQCA step-by-step instructions
QAEC Quality Assurance Ethics Course must be completed once for youth showing dog, cat, horse, rabbit, cavy, or poultry
Club Information for Leaders Youth Leadership Team