204 Vine, PO Box 600 Elizabeth IL 61028
Alex Burbach has lived in Jo Daviess County her whole life. She graduated from Scales Mound High School and attended UW-Madison where she got her degree in Animal Science. She has been with Extension since 2016. In her role as an Extension Program Coordinator she works with Extension volunteers, Extension Educators, and collaborates with community partners to offer programs to the public on various topics. These topics include horticulture, ag and natural resources, commercial agriculture, energy and environmental stewardship, nutrition and wellness, and local foods and small farms. Alex also enjoys collaborating with the Extension 4-H staff to offer programs to local youth.
She is currently busy raising three young children and staying active on the family farm where they raise beef and swine. Alex also volunteers as a local 4-H Club Leader and coaches the youth softball teams in the summer.
Alex can be reached at University of Illinois Extension by calling 815-858-2273.