12923 Lawrence Road Sterling IL 61081
Jean Eggemeyer has worked for Illinois Extension since March 2023, assisting Extension clients with needs and questions and supporting her colleagues’ efforts. Before joining the Extension team, she worked part-time as an assistant to a real estate agent and as a church office manager. Her background is in graphic design, marketing, and communications. She is a graduate of Michigan State University and University of Michigan-Flint.
Jean was a volunteer leader for the Cottonwood 4-H Club in Morrison for seven years and trained as an Illinois Master Naturalist. Her hobbies include native plant gardening, home improvement projects, oil painting, and hiking. She also enjoys supporting her two daughters’ sports, creative interests, and 4-H involvement.
Jean is a strong believer in the benefits of lifelong learning and appreciates learning something new every day about the many and varied Extension service areas and resources.