280 W Wasson Rd NULL Amboy IL 61310
Marilyn Kemmerer serves as the Ag and Natural Resources Program Coordinator in Lee County. Kemmerer holds a BS in Education from Eastern Illinois University. Before serving as Program Coordinator Kemmerer taught elementary education. She served as a valued volunteer in many organizations. She volunteered for the local school district serving on a wide variety of committees, volunteered for the local Extension Programs as 4-H Leader, 4-H Fair Superintendent, Fair Judge, HCE committee member, and Extension Council member. She also volunteered for her Church serving on the Council as Financial Secretary and as Youth and Adult Education leader.
For her role as Ag and Natural Resource Coordinator Kemmerer is responsible for developing and maintaining the Master Gardener program for Lee County. She fosters new Master Gardeners and encourages current Master Gardeners. She assists the Master Gardener volunteers by providing current, timely, and interesting opportunities for their activities. Master Gardeners educate their community through opportunities such as Library Horticulture Education, Preschool Gardening lessons, Senior Living Horticulture Classes, Summer Garden programs for Youth, Help Desk Horticulture answer service, 4-H and Youth seasonal Horticulture lessons and activities, and weekly radio garden information recordings. Kemmerer provides a wide variety of options for Master Gardener Continuing Education. Webinars are offered for home viewing in a wide array of garden and nature categories, online advanced training in Master Gardener fields, and local classes at Libraries. Kemmerer works with a team of Master Gardeners and Coordinators from four counties to provide a yearly Garden Conference for the Sauk Valley area every spring.
The Agricultural industry is a fast-moving field. Through education and use of University of Illinois information and websites, Marilyn strives to help the Ag producers of Sauk Valley area obtain clear and accurate information to assist them in their business endeavors.
In Northern Illinois, there is a need for clear and comprehensive information in the areas of Horticulture and Agriculture. Kemmerer has strived to meet the needs of the community in a way that is easily accessed through the Master Gardener Program, and Ag resources.