News Releases

Choose perennials that love sun for summer glory
URBANA, Ill. – Planning a perennial garden can be challenging when faced with weather extremes. The Midwest can often be hot and dry throughout August. Drought-proven perennials can provide relief to a stressed summer flower garden.  Silver foliage plants that thrive in full sun...
Don't forget safety as you head to parks and camps
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Camping remains one of the best ways to get away from daily routines while practicing social distancing. Portable generators offer some comforts of home, whether your camping adventure includes tents or recreational vehicles. ...
Lawn rust and why your shoes are turning orange
URBANA, Ill. – The first hint of lawn rust often comes from the bottom of shoes, says Chris Enroth, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator. Homeowners may...
Local governments have until July 17 to apply for COVID funds
Since March, communities across Illinois have been devastated by the impact of COVID-19. A May 2020 report by the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability estimates that local government revenues are down by $1.3 billion over last year. The Pritzker administration has worked over...
Planning to Can Tomatoes
With tomato season around the corner, one safe method for preserving tomatoes is water bath canning or pressure canning. Unlike freezing, more supplies are needed for canning, as well as shelf space in a cool dark place. Whether it’s making salsa, sauce, ketchup, juice, paste, or canning crushed...
Stay safe in pools and hot tubs
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Water is a powerful conductor of electricity. It is especially important to be aware of electrical hazards around water. As temperatures soar this week, University of Illinois Extension provides these safety tips...
Reduce your risk of diabetes with proper nutrition
URBANA, Ill. – More than one in three adults have prediabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control, and many don’t know it. People with prediabetes have higher than normal blood glucose levels, which raise the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as type 2 diabetes. ...