News Releases

Extend the life of urban forests with Urban Tree Conference
URBANA, Ill. – Trees can live hundreds of years, but from pests and diseases to improper care and installation, urban trees are not living as long as their forest counterparts. Many urban trees only live 20% of their life span. Whether you are new to tree care or a seasoned professional...
Farmdoc Illinois Economic Summit: Farm management guide in difficult times
URBANA, Ill. – The past year has been a year like no other for Illinois agriculture. While the year started optimistically with talks of a surge in agricultural exports resulting from the trade agreement with China, the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the global economy. Most agricultural prices...
Illinois' top 4-H staff shine
URBANA, Ill. – Innovation and dedication of University of Illinois Extension staff has been recognized by the state’s youth development association. The ...
Extension campaign gives tips for reducing diabetes risk
URBANA, Ill. – More than 34 million people in the United States have diabetes; that's one in 10. An additional one in three U.S. adults have prediabetes, and 84% of them do not realize they have it. ...
Learn from home with Good Growing Winter Webinars
URBANA, Ill. – From selecting and caring for a Christmas tree to creating a winter haven for birds, the University of Illinois Extension Good Growing Winter Webinar series has seasonally appropriate tips and tricks to keep you informed from the comfort of home this winter. Extension...
Is local wildlife trying to make itself at home in your home?
Falling leaves and dropping temperatures signal prime time for local wildlife invasion. Area wildlife may start to look at your property when seeking a cozy winter home. Attractants like bird seed, warm sheds, and garages might seem appealing. Educator, Laurie George will present “Wildlife at...
Eastern white pine (Pinus strobus) with yellowing and browning needles attributed to white pine decline. Photo Credit: Travis Cleveland.
When to worry about needle drop on white pine trees
URBANA, Ill. – Like their deciduous maple, oak, and dogwood neighbors, evergreen trees drop some of their foliage in the fall. But needle drop in white pine trees can also be a sign of something more serious. The University...
4-H club helps youth experiencing anxiety, stress, depression
URBANA, Ill. – Teens are experiencing anxiety, stress, and depression throughout the pandemic, according to a Harris Poll conducted by 4-H, the national youth development organization. University of Illinois Extension is offering support for struggling youth, providing a safe place to talk about...