News Releases

Start your spring landscape clean up
URBANA, Ill. – After the 2019 growing season, there is likely leftover landscape clean up needed besides the usual spring yard work....
Pollinator support tips for gardeners and homeowners
URBANA, Ill. – Pollinators have been in the news a lot the last few years due to their population declines. About 75% of all plant species are pollinated by animals and 90% of flowering plants, so pollinators are important parts of our ecosystems, says Ken Johnson, University of Illinois...
Extension continues transition to online webinars, 4-H shows, events
URBANA, Ill. – As Illinois residents contemplate the impact of the coronavirus health pandemic on summer plans, University of Illinois Extension has released updated guidelines for Extension sponsored events and activities. The new guidelines continue to focus on the safety of event participants...
Master Gardener program offers online training
URBANA, Ill. — For nearly five decades, Illinois Master Gardeners have measured success by gardens planted, insects identified, produce harvested, and the millions of hours volunteers have logged by helping others learn to grow. From...
Cracking Open Canned Food Myths
Canned foods, whether home-canned or commercially canned and from the grocery store, often have a terrible reputation for being unhealthy or tasting bland. “Canned fruit and vegetables are simply another way to get nutrients the body needs. Plus, they help save money with a longer shelf life...
Farmers needed for paid cover crop trial
URBANA, Ill. - Illinois farmers willing to participate in a paid cover crop demonstration trial are needed beginning in fall 2020. Participation is now open.  The Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program partners with university researchers and...
Strategies for minimizing land and water invasive species
Invasive species pose a serious threat to native species and natural ecosystems and cost the country billions of dollars to combat. Learn what is being done to address the serious issues of both land and water invasives...
Raise chickens in your own backyard
KANKAKEE, Ill. - As more families consider growing their own food, chickens are a popular choice for a fresh source of eggs. Learn the basics of caring for chickens, from housing to health in a free online webinar offered by University of Illinois...
Keep your garden producing all season
HILLSBORO, Ill. - Learn to keep your garden healthy and productive throughout the growing season. Four free online webinars will give practical tips about gardening, including tips on landscape safety, mulching, container gardens, and beneficial garden bugs. The hour-long Good...
Thermal composting speeds process
URBANA, Ill. – Food scraps and yard waste together currently make up more than 28 percent of what we throw away. Creating compost keeps these materials out of landfills where they take up space and release methane, a potent...
Using Fresh Herbs in the Kitchen
Cutting down on salt can be easier said than done. According to the American Heart Association, an estimated 103 million Americans, or 46% of people in the United States, have high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. Heart...
Creative cooking with fewer ingredients
Making fewer trips to the grocery store does not have to mean boring meals or the same meal every night. Cooking with five ingredients or less is a money saver, takes less time to prepare the meal, and uses less equipment resulting in fewer dishes. “Cooking with fewer ingredients can be...