News Releases

Ginger rhizome
How to grow tropical ginger for at-home spice
URBANA, Ill. — Growing fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs in the backyard can seem like a lot of work, but at the end of the season, the bountiful, tasty harvest is worth it. The International Herb Association named ginger (Zingiber...
Canned pickles
5% acidity vinegar is key to safe canning
URBANA, Ill. — There’s a long list of home canned foods that use vinegar as an ingredient, including salsa, pickled vegetables, barbeque sauce, and preserved fruits like apple butter and cantaloupe pickles, as well as canned tomatoes as an acidifier. The vinegar increases acidity, thus lowering...
Growing cucumber on vine in the garden.
Want more from your garden? Plant a fall crop of cucumbers
URBANA, Ill. — It’s the middle of summer, and you are looking for a new home project. Did you know it is not too late to plant some vegetable plants? With proper care, many vegetables are easy to grow in a sunny location in your backyard or a container garden on a patio. Take the challenge and...
Two raised bed gardens on top of asphalt lot.
Elevate your expectations with raised bed gardening
URBANA, Ill. — Whether for convenience or accessibility, raised beds are a popular option for growing fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants. Raised bed structures elevate the soil, and with it comes a variety of advantages for growing plants.  Using raised beds may allow...
A variety of pollinator-friendly perennial flowers of various colors, sizes, and shapes.
Care for perennial gardens with 3 proven pruning methods
URBANA, Ill. — Pruning perennial flowers takes a garden from looking fair to well-kept. Deadheading, cutting back, and pinching are all pruning techniques that can keep perennial plants looking well cared for and healthy.  Pruning perennials is a complex topic because different...
senior and junior winners pose with banners
Livestock judging helps youth develop areas of expertise
Urbana, Ill. -- Illinois 4-H members headed to the showring for the 2023 State Livestock Judging Contest held at the University of Illinois campus. Instead of leading animals, these young members were acting as judge, evaluating groupings of cattle, hogs, and sheep against a standard for breed...
Farmer and AgrAbility client services rep assessing farm equipment.
Illinois AgrAbility ready to serve farmers across the state
URBANA, Ill. — Farmers have always been the backbone of America. The state of Illinois includes 72,650 farms that cumulatively harvest over 27 million acres and are operated by 118,000 producers. The work involved is not only the farmer’s livelihood but rather their way of life. ...
Split trunk of pear tree
Reduce storm damage by looking for tree defects before bad weather strikes
URBANA, Ill. — High winds during summer storms wreak havoc on trees. Tree defects increase the likelihood of failure, and those close to homes can quickly become dangerous. Learn to look for these weak points to be better prepared for severe weather events.   Trees experience...
Lawn with clover next to house.
Go green with eco-friendly lawn care
URBANA, Ill. — Residential lawns consume over 2.5 billion gallons of water a year. This makes taking a natural approach to lawn care appealing for homeowners. Also, almost 3 million tons of fertilizer are applied to residential lawns every year, and homeowners typically use three times more...
Josie Rudolphi, agricultural and biological engineering professor, is conducting a five-year study on the mental health of agricultural adolescents and adults. Photo by Fred Zwicky.
Farm stressors affect mental health of adults and adolescent children
URBANA, Ill. — Agriculture is a stressful occupation, and farmers face substantial mental health challenges. Research indicates they often experience higher levels of anxiety and depression compared to the general population, but less is known about the effects on their...