News Releases

Keep worms warm for winter vermicomposting
URBANA, Ill. – Vermicomposting or vermiculture, which is also known as worm farming, is the practice of keeping worms to produce worm castings or vermicompost. Vermicomposting is a natural process where worms digest organic matter and produce a waste product that is high in plant-available...
Grub attack could be just under the surface
URBANA, Ill. – Hundreds of dead and dying grubs littered the dirt Chicago sports field once covered in grass. Nancy Kreith, University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator...
Bring homegrown foods to the table this Thanksgiving
Bring homegrown foods to the table this Thankgiving URBANA, Ill. – Celebrating the year’s harvest with a Thanksgiving feast has been an American tradition for more than 400 years. Whether homegrown or from a farmers market, the demand for locally sourced foods is on the rise. ...
Embrace the winter! Count feeder birds for science!
Nothing provides an easier or more dependable food supply then “Birdscaping” your landscape. Join Whiteside County Master Gardeners as they explore the native wildflowers and other seed-bearing flowers, that will bring birds to your yard. Thankful for Our Feathered Friends will take place on...
Fall Fest, Fun for all with Lee County 4-H
The Lee County 4-H Federation is hosting Winter Fest at the Lee County 4-H Fairgrounds, 1196 Franklin Road, Amboy on Saturday, October 30, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Admission is free, however there is a suggested donation of canned food or socks to be donated to local food...
Taste of 4-H Cooking Club to start in Amboy
Get a Taste of 4-H in our Cooking Special Interest Club! Join Lee County 4-H for a Youth Cooking Club for all youth ages 8-14. The club will train kids in basic kitchen skills and how to prepare delicious easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, or snacks! The class will take...
New 4-H Club for 5-7 year olds to start in Savanna
What’s a 4-H Cloverbud? Creativity, play, learning and fun for children age 5 to 7. Studies have found that 80% of lifespan learning occurs before the age of 8 and Cloverbuds is an exploratory program to meet kids’ development needs through creativity and play! ...
4-H shooting sports contest brings fun, camaraderie, teamwork to the range
URBANA, Ill. – Over 90 Illinois youth gathered at statewide competitions this fall to exhibit their skill mastery in shooting sports. In addition to skill levels, the competitions focus on building teamwork abilities, camaraderie, and of course fun. “I know at first it appears odd to...
Don't rake fall leaves, recycle them
URBANA, Ill. – Every fall, an onslaught of leaves drop relentlessly into yards leaving homeowners to rake, bag, and haul them out on the curb. But what many don’t know is that those golden-hued leaves are gold in the garden. “After raking leaves this fall, think about recycling them on...
a deer on the side of the road
Be cautious; watch for deer on roads in fall
URBANA, Ill. – Drivers should slow down and stay alert to avoid deer-vehicle collisions this fall when traveling after dark. While accidents can happen at any time of year, most deer-vehicle incidents occur between dusk and dawn during the months of October, November, and December....