Show us your creative side and design the 2025 4-H Showbook Cover!
Entry Requirements:
1. "Macoupin County 4-H Show Book" and the year "2025" must be shown somewhere in your design.
2. Use any 4-H fair or 4-H project theme.
3. Must be a 4-H member. This Includes Cloverbuds.
4. Your artwork must be drawn or printed in black ink or pencil only.
5. Your entry must be on white unlined paper.
6. No entries with trademark characters/symbols other than the 4-H clover are accepted.
7. Put your name, age, and club on the BACK of your design in PENCIL.
8. One entry per 4-H Member
9. Design layout should be vertical
Drop your entry by the Extension office or email Kate Harding at harding@illinois.edu by Feb. 7.