1040 N. Second Street Rockford IL 61107
Illinois Extension has a long-standing commitment to providing youth development programs throughout the state. In the Rockford area, Gina Adams is the 4-H Youth Development Educator. In her position, Adams conducts social emotional programming with a focus on mental health for youth. She has also implemented basic life skills curriculum and an anti-bullying program for school-age youth.
Adams has a bachelor’s in Human Service and a master’s in teaching. Prior to her current role, Adams was the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-Ed) Coordinator with Extension serving the Rockford area for the last eight years.
Programming focused on youth in the community
Educational programming plays a crucial role in preparing youth for success by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive. Adams offers several different programs locally to help fill this need.
Adams is passionate about Social and Emotional Learning. She offers two programs, Mindful Me and Your Feelings Matter, to help youth learn skills to support healthy relationships and development.
Ready4Work is a program that Adams offers at the Juvenile Detention Center. This program focuses on teaching life skills necessary for youth to join the workforce.
Youth Leadership is another important skill that Adams helps foster in youth. She offers day-long youth leadership conferences that focus on resilience and leadership through adversity. Adams works with local partners to bring respected leaders from the community as speakers at these events.
Racial Healing Circles have proven to help be a catalyst for positive change. Through this program, Adams provides a transformative space for personal growth, fostering open discussions, healing, education, and progress toward racial justice.