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Fall Into Gardening

Fall Into Gardening     

Join the Jo Daviess County Master Gardeners on Saturday, September 28, 2019 from 9 a.m. to noon at the CTE Academy, 950 HWY 20 W. Elizabeth, IL, for their first annual Fall Into Gardening event. Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m.  and the cost of the event will be $5 per person. Pre-registration is required by Monday, September 23, 2019. To register or for more information on this program please call the Jo Daviess County Extension Office at 815-858-2273.

The Master Gardeners have decided to make the day a family affair, so bring your kids or grandkids along to enjoy various nature/gardening related activities while the adults are learning all about storing gardening tools and putting your garden to bed for the winter season. Children must be 5 years old or older to attend.

Some of the stations that will be set up for the children include vermicomposting, scarecrow making, pipe cleaner butterflies, and many more! Along with each station the kids will learn something educational about what they are doing/making. All stations will be very hands on and the kids will have something to take home with them from most of the sessions.

While the kids are busy crafting and learning, the adults will be able to relax and listen to the Master Gardeners talk about how to winterize and store your garden tools to ensure that you get the longest life possible out of them.  This will then be followed by a talk about putting your garden to bed for the upcoming winter season. Master Gardeners will share tips and tricks and what works best for them when they are preparing their gardens for the winter.

Master Gardeners will also be bringing some of their perennial plants and houseplants that they will be dividing for a plant giveaway. Names of all plants will be clearly labeled and Master Gardeners will be available to answer any questions you may have about the plant before you decide if you want to take it home with you. Each participant is welcome to bring a couple of perennial or houseplants with them to contribute if they would like, please be sure plants are clearly labelled. Annuals will not be accepted. Some of the plants that will be brought by the Master Gardeners include black-eyed susans, hostas, daisies and many, many more.

There will be coffee and water available and a snack for the children will be provided.