Illinois 4-H recognized those enrolled in 4-H as a senior in high school with a 4-H memorabilia tassel. Recognized 2020 seniors in Stephenson County included Adam Engelkens, Brooke Colberg, Cailey Cahoon, Colton Theis, Grace Suttman, Isabella Kostallari, Krista Keene, Kyla Glendenning, Paige Weber, Rebecca Kempel and Sierra Everson. “We are honored these seniors chose to make 4-H a part of their high school careers,” states Becky Gocken, Stephenson County 4-H Program Coordinator. “They are great leaders for our younger members.”
During 2020, Illinois 4-H youth faced challenges during the COIVD19 pandemic with school closures, 4-H cancellations, and 4-H exhibitions being moved to a virtual format.
“We recognize the challenges our 4-H youth faced, especially our 4-H members that were in their Senior year of high school and missing many milestones in their school and 4-H careers,” said Tina Veal, 4-H Alumni & Constituent Engagement Manger with the Illinois 4-H program. “We wanted the opportunity to recognize those youth by creating a new 4-H memorabilia tassel to let 4-H youth know that we support them and are proud of the challenges they have overcome and to invite them stay connected to 4-H in their final years and as a 4-H alumni.” This recognition was made possible with support from the IL 4-H Foundation.
All graduating 4-H members have been formally invited to join the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association. This association was established in 2016 to create a lifelong, statewide community of 4-H alumni and provide increased opportunities for meaningful engagement to increase awareness, pride, participation, volunteerism and philanthropic commitment to Illinois 4-H.
4-H continues to build responsible and caring adults who are more likely to give back to their communities. The Illinois 4-H program has a strong history of making an impact on youth, building leaders and preparing them for success. Veal said, “We want to remain connected to our 4-H alumni to see the impacts they make in their future careers and communities.”
For information on joining 4-H or about the Illinois 4-H Alumni Association, contact your local Extension office at 815-235-4125 or Tina Veal at the Illinois State 4-H office at