On November 14, Lee County 4-H members celebrated their year’s accomplishments a bit differently than usual. Lee County 4-H Federation and 4-H Ambassadors hosted a “Walk-Through” Achievement day. All 4-H’ers receiving awards for their accomplishments were invited out to the Lee County Fairgrounds to pick up their awards and take pictures with our 4-H Scarecrow. Members who participated in the Virtual State 4-H Show were invited out to receive their awards as well.
Congratulations to all of this year’s winners!
The University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. For more information on University of Illinois Extension 4-H Youth Development programs, contact the Lee County Extension Office at 815-857-3525 or kbook@illinois.edu
Results of Awards Ceremony:
Club Recognition of Excellence
Wyoming Indians
Sub-Let Indians
Young Seekers
AFC Aggies
Club Triple Crown Award
Wyoming Indians
Window Display
First place – AFC Aggies
Second place – Sub-Let Indians
Third place – Young Seekers
Jr. County Outstanding – Bronze Clover
Lillian Dyer | Wyoming Indians
Bear Fitzpatrick | Wyoming Indians
Everett Hickey | Wyoming Indians
Jackson Lemmer | Wyoming Indians
Gage Lopez | Wyoming Indians
Elvis Meyers | Wyoming Indians
Jr. County Outstanding – Silver Clover
Jaiden Dyer | Wyoming Indians
Klayten Dyer | Wyoming Indians
Claire Freeman | AFC Aggies
Hank Hickey | Wyoming Indians
Alexis Lopez | Wyoming Indians
Bethany Odle | Wyoming Indians
Lucas Odle | Wyoming Indians
Autry Prior | AFC Aggies
Allie Prior | AFC Aggies
Joseph Prior | AFC Aggies
Ben Rockwood | Grove Go Getters
Zac Rockwood | Grove Go Getters
Dakota White | AFC Aggies
Jr. County Outstanding – Gold Clover
Rhayanna Cotter | AFC Aggies
Brandon Dismore | Wyoming Indians
Top Jr. 4-H’er
Rhayanna Cotter | AFC Aggies
Sr. County Outstanding – Silver Clover
Catherine Bloemker | Palmyra Hillbillies
Rachel McCormick | Wyoming Indians
Kayla McCormick | Wyoming Indians
Addison Morley | Palymyra Hillbillies
Sr. County Outstanding – Gold Clover
Alyssa Morley | Palmyra Hillbillies
Ava Prior | AFC Aggies
Top Sr. 4-H’er
Alyssa Morley | Palmyra Hillbillies
Top President
Alyssa Morley | Palmyra Hillbillies
Top Vice President
Allie Prior | AFC Aggies
Top Secretary
Elvis Meyers | Wyoming Indians
Top Treasurer
Olivia Gingras | Dixon Wonder Workers
Top Scrapbook
Patrick Callison of the Wyoming Indians
Tenured 4-H’ers
Cherith Bulfer | Palmyra Hillbillies
Timothy Bulfer II | Palmyra Hillbillies
Amie Case | Dixon Wonder Workers
Jaynee Prestegaard | Grove Go Getters
Mary Thompson | Maytown Comets
Tyler VanQuathem | Dixon Wonder Workers
Foundation Scholarships Given
Alyssa Morley
Molly Biggs
Cloverbud Graduates
AFC Aggies
Kaleigh Cotter/Lipe
Jackson Prior
Dixon Wonder Workers
Brianna Coffey
Grace Conderman
Amelia Hemmer
Lauren Wagner
Grove Go Getters
Samuel Warrenfeltz
Maytown Comets
Blake Cyrocki
Kensley Helm
Taylyr McNinch
Kendyll Whitney
Soaring Eagles
Ivy Goodbred
Megan Johnson
Wyoming Indians
Layla Obrien
Young Seekers
Leah Bodmer
Leah Bonnell
Jaxon Hudson
Amelia Kant
Samuel Lusz
Amelia Nichols
Alexis White
Jacob Wittenauer