Illinois 4-H challenges youth to try new things, experiment in project areas that interest them, and explore opportunities around the state and country. The 4-H Experience Award recognizes youth who excel in that challenge. The award is sponsored by the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
“We celebrate youth whose 4-H experiences have expanded outside their home county to the state, national, or international level,” said Lisa Diaz, University of Illinois Extension assistant dean and Illinois 4-H director. Youth earning the two highest levels, diamond and emerald, are recognized at the state level.
Carroll–Lee-Whiteside 4-H had two local winners this year in the Emerald Level Leadership Award. They were Marie Barnickel and Amie Case from Lee County.
The Illinois 4-H Foundation also provided $25,000 in college scholarships and awarded another $20,000 in national conference travel scholarships this year.
“Our donors are generous and believe that higher education changes lives,” said Angie Barnard, Foundation executive director. Donors include Nann Armstrong, Patricia Clickener, Lila Jeanne Eichelberger, Keith and Lissa Parr, Donna Mueller, Dee Murray, George Obernagel, Legacy of Leadership endowment contributors, LA-CO, Barbara and George Clark, Barbara and George Clark, Ryan and Elaine Ruwe, Marvin and Elizabeth Schnitzler, Carrie Francis, Jason and Andrya Smith, Auxiliary to the Illinois State Veterinary Medicine Association and the Illinois 4-H Foundation.
Illinois 4-H Foundation presents the Legacy of Leadership Scholarship to 4-H members who demonstrate and maintain a high standard of 4-H excellence and mastery during their membership tenure. Carroll-Lee-Whiteside 4-H had Abigail Stichter from Whiteside County as a local recipient this year.