Piatt County 4-H volunteer receives Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame award
MONTICELLO, Ill. — Dr. Nathan Pyatt, Cisco, Ill., received the Illinois Foundation 4-H Hall of Fame Award during a virtual ceremony on Aug. 18. This year, the Foundation recognized 87 individuals for their dedication to 4-H, the University of Illinois Extension youth development program.
Dr. Pyatt has served as a volunteer leader for the Cisco Clovers 4-H Club for many years and inspires youth to step out of their comfort zone to take on leadership roles within the club. “He has brought outstanding ideas and challenges to the table at meetings,” says 4-H Program Coordinator Jan Wenke. “He is a very busy professional, but always finds the time for our youth and to lend a helping hand.”
Dr. Pyatt and his wife have hosted workshops at their farm on topics such as sheep care, knitting with wool, and livestock veterinary care. Perhaps the most popular event that they hosted was the farm to table dinner which included 4-H members preparing and serving the food.
“I believe that Nathan is an outstanding volunteer in Piatt County,” says Wenke. “He is indeed an asset to Piatt County 4-H program and Cisco Clovers 4-H Club.”
Illinois 4-H programs reach nearly 200,000 youth each year through 4-H clubs, camps, educational programs, workshops, and conferences held in communities, schools, parks, and homes across Illinois. In total, more than 15,000 volunteers fill key leadership and mentoring roles.
News source: Jan Wenke, Piatt County 4-H program coordinator (217) 762-2191
News Writer: Maria Lightner, Marketing & Communications program coordinator
About 4-H: Illinois 4-H empowers and prepares Illinois youth for success. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in Illinois, affecting the lives of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs, groups, and short-term programming.