We have been hearing about radon in homes for years. So, is it still an issue? Why talk about it now? To address these questions, University of Illinois Extension will host “Radon: Why it is still an issue?” at 6 pm on Monday, Nov 30, via Zoom on-line meeting platform.
“The short answer: Yes, Radon should still be a concern in homeowners in Northwest Illinois,” according to Jay Solomon, Energy and Environmental Stewardship Educator with University of Illinois Extension. “The potential for the colorless, odorless gas to buildup in our homes and cause lung cancer has not changed.”
Over the last few years, the magnitude of the radon issue in northern Illinois becomes more apparent as more homes are evaluated. Professional radon testers have found over 55% homes tested in Northwest Illinois at or above the recommended action level of 4 pCL.
Over the past 10 years, many homes in the area have been tested with homeowner kits and by professional testers. However, the numbers above represent only a small percentage of total homes in the region. Also, after a sharp increase in testing a few years ago, the number of homes tested with homeowner and professional tests have drop off more recently. Based on zip code tracking records of the professional test, there are pockets within the area that have not had any homes tested.
Pre-registration is required on-line at web.extension.illinois.edu/jsw or by calling University of Illinois Extension at (815) 235-4125. There is a registration fee of $5.
The only way to know the radon level in your home is to conduct a test of the home. Additionally, homes should be retested rough every 3 years to check for changes.