100 South US Highway 45 Grayslake IL 60030
Dale Kehr is a SNAP-Ed Educator who has worked with low-income residents and organizations in Lake County and McHenry County for over 20 years. She is passionate about changing communities to have healthy food for residents who have limited resources and receive healthy food options.
She has assisted school districts with their wellness policies, school gardens, and integrating nutrition using media, writing, reading, and math. She believes that school staff partnering with family members creates a beneficial learning environment for all involved and leads to more students graduating high school and pursuing their career options. This philosophy provides future generations a more stable community for all to thrive. Ms. Kehr also works with local food pantries, HeadStarts, Coalitions, and agencies to make the healthy choice the easy choice in limited-resource communities.
She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland – Asian Division while on active duty with the Navy. Dale reached the rank of Chief Hospital Corpsman and has worked in hospitals and clinical settings doing various tasks to promote health and wellness to both active duty and civilians. Her most memorable tour was working in the OB/GYN Clinic, teaching essential nutrition to pregnant women and their partners in Okinawa, Japan. Later, Dale received an MBA from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management.
Professional organizations Dale belongs to include Illinois and National Extension Association for Family and Consumer Sciences (IEAFCS & NEAFCS), Association for Talent Development (ATD, the former ASTD), and Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB). She has received two team Awards of Excellence for her work, promoting health and nutrition. Kehr was inducted into the University of Illinois Extension, Lake County's Hall of Fame, in 2012. She also received the State Mentor Award in 2019.
Kehr is originally from Framingham, MA. After a successful career in the Navy, she moved to Lake County from San Diego, CA, where her husband finished his military career. Kehr has been a Girl Scout leader, Cub Scout leader, Sunday School teacher, and many other activities while raising their three children. She loves everything related to Home Economy, and crafts varying from cooking, jewelry making, crocheting, scrapbooking, sewing, knitting, and more.
Association for Talent and Development https://www.td.org/
Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior https://www.sneb.org/
National Extension Association for Family & Consumer Science http://www.iahce.org/LakeCounty.html
Illinois Extension Association for Family & Consumer Science
Lake County Association for Home and Community Education http://www.iahce.org/LakeCounty.html