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Emergency Food


Blog Posts

Elementary children posing together as a group
Read article: SNAP-Education youth cooking classes develop skills helpful beyond the kitchen
SNAP-Education youth cooking classes develop skills helpful beyond the kitchen
Something special happens when people gather around the table to eat together. It is even more amazing when they gather around the table to learn to...
lady standing in front of a table full of food pantry donations
Read article: Coalition supports food safety, food access, and expansion opportunities through grants to local organizations
Coalition supports food safety, food access, and expansion opportunities through grants to local organizations
Many families struggle to have adequate access to enough nutritious foods to support an active and healthy lifestyle. There is no one answer to the...
two ladies with their backs to the camera stocking shelves at a food pantry
Read article: Nutrition policy is newest layer of SNAP-Education work at Canton First Baptist Church Food Pantry
Nutrition policy is newest layer of SNAP-Education work at Canton First Baptist Church Food Pantry
Health and wellness involves more than just nutrition education. People may know the “right foods” to eat or the “bad foods” to avoid, but...
Shelves stacked with boxes and bags of food
Read article: How to support your local food pantry this holiday season
How to support your local food pantry this holiday season
There are many things to be thankful for this time of year, and one of them is having enough food to nourish our bodies and fill our appetites....

News Releases

group of people receiving an award
Connections across Extension programs lead to lasting impact
URBANA, Ill. — Establishing connections is essential for the expansion of Illinois Extension. Interdisciplinary work shows how collaboration across programs brings valuable knowledge to new audiences and builds lasting relationships. From teams that improve food access and eliminate food deserts...