280 Wasson Rd Amboy IL 61310
Mary Sheridan has worked for the University of Illinois Extension since 2009. She was first employed with Lee County Extension office and then, after Extension's re-organization in 2011, moved to the new unit office for Carroll, Lee and Whiteside counties at Sauk Valley Community College. Most recently she has worked at the Whiteside County office for two years and is currently back in the Lee County office in Amboy.
Her job as an Office Support Specialist allows her to work with the public and the entire staff in Carroll, Lee and Whiteside counties on a regular basis. Mary takes care of the fiscal responsibilities for the unit, supporting office staff and working closely with departments within the university system. Mary also works closely with the County Director in human resources matters and assists with the annual fiscal budgets and audits.
Mary enjoys spending time with her family, gardening, crocheting, knitting and reading.