News Releases

Virtual and in-person tours available for annual pumpkin field day
URBANA, Ill. – From jack-o’-lanterns to gourds, University of Illinois Extension has research updates on all things pumpkin. Since 2014, Illinois Extension staff conduct agricultural field trials regularly to compare yields of different pumpkin varieties grown under realistic conditions...
Choose drought tolerant plants for homeowners
URBANA, Ill. - It can be a challenge to choose plants that will survive Illinois’ changing weather patterns. "While we can go inside and enjoy the air conditioning, our plants don’t have the same luxury," says Gemini Bhalsod...
Face your older years with health, happiness, confidence
URBANA, Ill. – Age may just be a number, but 2020 is putting that statement to the test. University of Illinois Extension educators offer suggestions for handling the physical and emotional challenges of aging, especially in light of the current health challenges.   “Now more than...
Color your garden with a rainbow of vegetables
URBANA, Ill. - Color is one of the aspects of design that leads to the beautiful garden, but sometimes vegetable gardens lack a variety of hues. "Thumbing through garden catalogs, you can now find a variety of colorful cultivars," says...
August Master Gardener Column by Jan Phipps
We are well into the growing season and by now you have probably run into a few problems with your plants and trees. Diagnosing the malady is often tricky, but you need to know the cause before determining what, if anything, to do about it. A plant problem falls into one of three categories:...
seed packet
Do not plant seeds of unknown origins
URBANA, Ill. – Mystery packages with unidentified seeds have shown up in mailboxes across the U.S. over the past week. University of Illinois Extension horticulture experts urge people to never plant unidentified seeds. The U.S. Department of Agriculture is...