Youth showing beef, dairy, goats, sheep, or swine at the Stephenson County 4-H show this summer will need to complete their YQCA training before June 1.
Youth have the option of attending an in-person training (see below) OR online training. In-person costs $3/per child and web-based is $12/per child, plus there is a test they must pass.
The three in-person dates are as follows:
Monday, February 17, 10 a.m.
with Kelly Lafferty
Evangelical Free Church
720 N. Freedom St., Lena, IL
Saturday, March 29, 9:30 a.m.
with Jen Schultz
St. John's Lutheran Church
229 S. First St., Pearl City, IL
Friday, April 18, 10 a.m.
with Jen Schultz
Highland Community College
Building R, South Lobby
2998 W. Pearl City Rd., Freeport, IL
Sign up at www.yqcaprogram.org If you have any questions, please call Jen at (815) 235-4125 or email js80@illinois.edu