Live Your Bucket List

What are you waiting for? Live your bucket list.

Are there things in your life that you’ve wanted to accomplish but haven’t?  A bucket list is simply a list of things you’d like to do in your lifetime. The point of a bucket list is to help you live your life to the fullest. Illinois Extension can help you create your own bucket list and set exciting goals to pursue your interests and fulfill your dreams. This handy workbook will help you begin planning your bucket list or watch a recent workshop recording.

Benefits of a Bucket List:

  • To keep your goals and dreams in view and to help you live your life fully
  • To avoid procrastination
  • To feel a sense of accomplishment as tasks or goals are checked off the list
  • To assist in organizing your short and long range schedule or calendar
  • To have a sense of purpose and meaning in life
  • To stay active in mind and body
  • To serve as a reminder of what is really important to you and the goals you wish to achieve in your lifetime
  • To use your written list as a motivator to accomplish your goals
  • To gain a clearer insight on what you want from your life
  • To use as a tool later to reflect on your accomplishments and/or record your experiences
  • To enjoy life more and stress less