News Releases

Know your health insurance options if you lose your job
URBANA, Ill. - With businesses shutting down temporarily or scaling back staff, employees should consider the impact of layoffs on their health insurance coverage before their existing coverage ends to ensure there are no gaps in your coverage. "Health care coverage is critical during...
Produce farms provided COVID-19 disinfecting guidelines
New FDA food safety guidelines require local farmers to review and adapt their current food safety practices. "There has never been a more important time to review food contact surfaces and high touch surface cleaning, sanitization, and disinfection procedures," says Zach Grant,...
Are murder hornets here in Illinois; not likely
URBANA, Ill. - There has been a recent surge of interest in an invasive insect pest, the Asian Giant Hornet (AGH), or Vespa mandarinia. AGHs are the largest hornets in the world and are identifiable by their size and distinct bright yellow or orange heads. While well known for their large...
Respect electricity’s potential wrath
May is Electrical Safety Month SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Along with National Strawberry Month and National Barbecue Month, May heralds in a more serious observance: Electrical Safety Month. Electricity can be extremely dangerous, yet people rarely spend time considering it's...
Let's Talk Money webinars encourage financial dialogue
When it comes to talking about money, a lack of financial knowledge and the uneasiness of discussing sensitive issues keeps some people silent and risks the financial health of many families. Let's Talk Money is a free 8-week online series offered by...
Herb seedlings emerging in grow trays
Start herb seeds indoors
URBANA, Ill. – Herbs are a favorite in most gardens, but transplants can be expensive. As an economical alternative, consider starting seeds indoors in early spring as warmer weather approaches. Herbs can be started in March and be ready for transplanting into the garden in May,...
Get answers to pressing commercial ag questions
From pests to stress, farmers face mounting challenges that threaten profitability, production, and health. Learn strategies for minimizing loss and maximizing profit during a series of four free online webinars by University of Illinois Extension. Registration is required and available by...
Extension continues transition to online webinars, 4-H shows, events
URBANA, Ill. – As Illinois residents contemplate the impact of the coronavirus health pandemic on summer plans, University of Illinois Extension has released updated guidelines for Extension sponsored events and activities. The new guidelines continue to focus on the safety of event participants...
Farmers needed for paid cover crop trial
URBANA, Ill. - Illinois farmers willing to participate in a paid cover crop demonstration trial are needed beginning in fall 2020. Participation is now open.  The Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program partners with university researchers and educators,...
Strategies for minimizing land and water invasive species
Invasive species pose a serious threat to native species and natural ecosystems and cost the country billions of dollars to combat. Learn what is being done to address the serious issues of both land and water invasives...
Raise chickens in your own backyard
KANKAKEE, Ill. - As more families consider growing their own food, chickens are a popular choice for a fresh source of eggs. Learn the basics of caring for chickens, from housing to health in a free online webinar offered by University of Illinois...
Document family history with free writing workshop
URBANA, Ill. – Family stories are gifts from one generation to the next. Keep those stories alive with a little help from the Life’s Moments - From Memory to Legacy writing workshop launching May 5. In this fun and interactive virtual series, the University of Illinois Extension...
Don’t let social distancing stop you from seeking shelter
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — With recent severe storms ripping across several southern states, those needing to take refuge in a public storm shelter face a unique dilemma. Which is more important, social distancing or seeking refuge from a tornado? As bizarre as that question might sound, it’s...
Creative cooking with fewer ingredients
Making fewer trips to the grocery store does not have to mean boring meals or the same meal every night. Cooking with five ingredients or less is a money saver, takes less time to prepare the meal, and uses less equipment resulting in fewer dishes. “Cooking with fewer ingredients can be...
Webinar offers best practices for disabilities in workforce development
URBANA, Ill. - Workforce development programs are now more equally accessible to persons with varying abilities, with the goal of helping every person prepare for, find, and maintain quality employment that pays a living wage and offers opportunities for advancement. ...
4-H Celebrates Service during National Volunteer Week
Volunteers are the heart of Illinois 4-H, and the University of Illinois Extension 4-H Youth Development program salutes its volunteers during National Volunteer Week.  Statewide, volunteers support nearly 200,000 4-H participants in Illinois. National Volunteer Week runs April 19-25. In...
Learn tips for keeping your brain fit
URBANA, Ill. – Staying fit doesn’t only mean exercising and eating healthy foods. With age, it’s important to do activities which keep our brains fit and healthy, as well as our bodies. Beginning May 7, University of Illinois Extension will offer...