Elizabeth, IL- 4-H members from all over the county participated in the 2023 Jo Daviess County 4-H Fair on July 17-19. Participants exhibited in a variety of project areas, including the horse, poultry, and rabbit shows, the dairy show, various livestock shows, the Cloverbud show, and the general projects show, which include areas like clothing, leadership, woodworking, food and nutrition, and visual arts.
The 4-H Fair is a family affair and is an exciting time for our members. The fair is more than just a pastime; it is a culmination of many weeks, months, or even a year’s worth of learning and discovery for our members. It is an opportunity that allows 4-Hers to display to the public and get feedback from knowledgeable individuals in their areas. Participants also make memories, develop friendships, learn to work with others, gain confidence, and strengthen communication skills. “The 4-H Fair is one way a member can showcase their mastery of the skills they learned in 4-H,” explained Angela Miller, 4-H Program Coordinator. “I enjoy seeing how creative our members are and the eagerness I see on each child’s face throughout the week.”
Winners in the General Project Show are as follows:
Champion Animal Science Exhibit 3+ years: Madalyn Koester, Scales Mound
Champion Animal Science Exhibt 1-2 years: Raelyn Redfearn Scales Mound
Champion Child Development Exhibit: Kaitlin Linden, 21st Century
Champion Civic Engagement Exhibit: Allie Karberg, Top Notchers
Champion Clothing Exhibit: Rylee Anderson, Scales Mound
Champion Shopping In Style: Kaylee Molitor, 21st Century
Champion Consumer Education: Riley Bourquin, 21st Century
Champion Crops Exhibit: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Champion Beginning Foods Exhibit: Hudson Fogle, Top Notchers
Champion Intermediate Foods Exhibit: Isabella Haring, Top Notchers
Champion Advanced Foods Exhibit: Isabella Haring, Top Notchers
Champion Vegetable Gardening Exhibit: Eden Moore, 21st Century
Champion Herb Exhibit: Madelynn Redfearn, Scales Mound
Champion Flower Arranging: Eve Moore, 21st Century
Champion Intercultural Exhibit: Cora Dittmar, Top Notchers
Champion Leadership Exhibit: Riley Bourquin, 21st Century
Champion Photography 1 Exhibit: Faith Morhardt, Shooting Stars
Champion Photography 2 Exhibit: Graci Vanderheyden, Top Notchers
Champion Photography 3 Exhibit: Carissa Hinderman, 21st Century
Champion Theatre Exhibit: Karl Hubb, Chelsea Busy Bees
Champion Vet Science Exhibit: Karragan Vondran, Scales Mound
Champion Video/Film Exhibit: Kyle Haas, Chelsea Busy Bees
Champion Visual Arts: Chalk/Carbon/Pigment: Denali Fenn, Scales Mound
Champion Visual Arts: Chalk/Carbon/Pigment: Madalyn Marcure, Chelsea Busy Bees
Champion Visual Arts: Chalk/Carbon/Pigment: Grace Trone, 21st Century
Champion Visual Arts: 3D/Mixed Media Exhibit: Hale Moser, Top Notchers
Champion Visual Arts: Beginner Scrapbook Exhibit: Kaitlin Linden, 21st Century
Champion Visual Arts: Intermediate Scrapbook Exhibit: Sadie Johnson, Chelsea Busy Bees
Champion Visual Arts: Advanced Scrapbook Exhibit: Carissa Hinderman, 21st Century
Champion Visual Arts: Wood Exhibit: Merrick Trone, 21st Century
Champion Visual Arts: Fiber (8-10 years old) Exhibit: Lily Engle, Top Notchers
Champion Visual Arts: Beginner Food Decorating Exhibit: Eden Moore, 21st Century
Champion Visual Arts: Intermediate Food Decorating Exhibit: Madalyn Koester, Scales Mound
Champion Visual Arts: Advanced Food Decorating Exhibit: Graci Vanderheyden, Top Notchers
Champion Visual Arts: Leather Exhibit: Clara Anderson, Scales Mound
Champion Visual Arts: Clay Exhibit: Katya Linenfelser, Top Notchers
Champion Visual Arts: Heritage Arts: Faith Morhardt, Shooting Stars
Champion Welding Exhibit: Dixi Palas, Top Notchers
Champion Woodworking 1 Exhibit: Karragan Vondran, Scales Mound
Champion Woodworking 2 Exhibit: Damon Dittmar, Top Notchers
Winners in the Beef Show include:
Grand Champion Steer: Aly Anderson, Scales Mound
Reserve Grand Champion Steer, Annalee Anderson, Scales Mound
Grand Champion Female: Aly Anderson, Scales Mound
Reserve Grand Champion Female: Isabella Forbes, Chelsea Busy Bees
Champion Rage of Gain: Ethan Anderson, Scales Mound
Champion Cow/Calf Pair: Sawyer Fry, Top Notchers
Champion Bull Calf: Sawyer Fry, Top Notchers
Champion Bucket Calf: Katya Linenfelser, Top Notchers
Madelynn Redfearn, Scales Mound
Jr. Showmanship: Madelynn Redfearn, Scales Mound
Intermediate Showmanship: Wyatt Lehman, Top Notchers
Sr. Showmanship: Isabella Forbes, Chelsea Busy Bees
Winners in the Dairy Show include:
Grand Champion Female: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Reserve Grand Champion Female: Will Berning, Menominee Achievers
Top Showman: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Winners in the Goat Show include:
Grand Champion Doe: Eve Moore, 21st Century
Reserve Grand Champion Doe: Annalee Anderson, Scales Mound
Grand Champion Wether: Annalee Anderson, Scales Mound
Reserve Grand Champion Wether: Annalee Anderson, Scales Mound
Champion Dam & Daughter: Annalee Anderson, Scales Mound
Jr. Showmanship: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Intermediate Showmanship: Alysius Berning, Menominee Achievers
Winners in the Horse Show include:
Grand Champion Horse/Pony at Halter: Karragan Vondran, Scales Mound
Reserve Grand Champion Horse/Pony at Halter: Willa Berning, Menominee Achievers
Jr. Showmanship: Faith Trone, 21st Century
Sr. Showmanship Willa Berning, Menominee Achievers
Champion English Overall: Alejandra Velazquez, Top Notchers
Champion Jr. Western Pleasure & Horsemanship: Gabbi Kelly, Top Notchers
Champion Sr. Western Pleasure & Horsemanship: Willa Berning, Menominee Achievers
Champion Walk Trot: Faith Trone, 21st Century
Champion Jr. Trail: Faith Trone, 21st Century
Champion Sr. Trail: Alejandra Velazquez, Top Notchers
Champion Costume: Gabbi Kelly, Top Notchers
Winners in the Poultry Show include:
Champion Poultry Exhibit: Gabbi Kelly, Top Notchers
Champion Fowl: Gracie Allen, Top Notchers
Champion Market Exhibit: Madalyn Koester, Scales Mound
Top Hen: Gabbi Kelly, Top Notchers
Top Pullet: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Top Cock/Cockrell: Isabella Haring, Top Notchers
Top Showman: Isabella Haring, Top Notchers
Winners in the Rabbit Show include:
Best of Show: Heather Bradbury, Top Notchers
Reserve Best of Show: Madalyn Koester, Scales Mound
Jr. Showmanship: Raelynn Redfearn, Scales Mound
Sr. Showmanship: Eve Moore, 21st Century
Winners in the Sheep Show include:
Grand Champion Market Lamb: Grace Trone, 21st Century
Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb: Merrick Trone, 21st Century
Grand Champion Ewe: Owen Trone, 21st Century
Reserve Grand Champion Ewe: Owen Trone, 21st Century
Jr. Showmanship: Grace Trone, 21st Century
Intermediate Showmanship: Madalyn Koester, Scales Mound
Winners in the Swine Show include:
Grand Champion Market Hog: Madelynn Redfearn, Scales Mound
Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog: Celia Berning, Menominee Achievers
Grand Champion Market Pair: Ashley Carroll, Top Notchers
Reserve Grand Champion Market Pair: Ashley Carroll, Top Notchers
Jr. Showmanship: Louis Berning, Menominee Achievers
Intermediate Showmanship: Willa Berning, Menominee Achievers
Sr. Showmanship: Kaylee Molitor, 21st Century
You may find more information on the University of Illinois Extension, our programs, and Jo Daviess County 4-H by visiting our website at go.illinois.edu/jsw or by calling our office at 815-858-2273.
Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities. Illinois Extension is part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.