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Embrace the winter! Count feeder birds for science!

Nothing provides an easier or more dependable food supply then “Birdscaping” your landscape. Join Whiteside County Master Gardeners as they explore the native wildflowers and other seed-bearing flowers, that will bring birds to your yard. Thankful for Our Feathered Friends will take place on Saturday, November 6, 2021, 1PM, at the Sterling Extension office; 12923 Lawrence Rd. in Sterling. You will learn the basic needs for bird survival, and the essentials of bird feeders. Participants will make a bird feeder to take home to their yard.

Then visit The Cornel Lab Project Feeder Watch;,  and learn how you can count birds for science.

This program is limited to 15 participants, you must be registered to attend, register online at:, or by calling the Whiteside County Extension office at; (815) 632-3611.