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Solomon Earns Award for Dedication to Forestry

Jay Solomon with award from Northwest Illinois Forestry Association

The Northwest Illinois Forestry Association (NIFA) presented the Forestry Pioneer Award to Stanley “Jay” Solomon, University of Illinois Extension Natural Resources, Environment and Energy Educator at the annual meeting in March. This award recognizes individuals who have been leaders in maintaining the health, growth, and diversity of forests in Northwest Illinois.  

“I am honored and humbled by the recognition from the NIFA board and membership,” states Solomon. “I enjoy the collaboration and the opportunities that it has afforded me over the last 12 years. I appreciate the knowledge I’ve gained from working with NIFA members.”

NIFA is a non-profit group created to spread awareness, gain interest, and educate about forestry to landowners and the public through meetings, field days and educational sessions. This includes the economic and environmental benefits of sustainable forest management. Situated in the northwest corner of Illinois, NIFA includes Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Carroll, Ogle, Whiteside and Lee counties.

Ken Beach, NIFA President, praised Jay's involvement. "Jay has been a great partner and contributor to NIFA for over seven years. He is very supportive of forestry practices and helps promote the organization and the events that are planned in the region. Jay has also been instrumental in helping NIFA use new technology to benefit our organization."

Solomon’s educational programming offered through the University of Illinois Extension has played an important role in increasing the awareness of forest topics through collaborations with NIFA and other entities in northwest Illinois. He’s presented workshops and field days on topics such as invasive species management, wildlife habitat improvement, and reintroduction of controlled burning strategies help to promote forest health and management.

Solomon is part of a 22-person local Extension staff as one of six Educators helping to connect university research with community needs based in Jo Daviess, Stephenson and Winnebago Counties. Program areas include 4-H and Youth Development, Agriculture, Energy & Environment, Local Foods & Small Farms, Nutrition & Wellness, and Illinois Nutrition Education Programming. For more information about University of Illinois Extension, visit or call 815-235-4125 to learn more.

About Extension

Illinois Extension leads public outreach for University of Illinois by translating research into action plans that allow Illinois families, businesses, and community leaders to solve problems, make informed decisions, and adapt to changes and opportunities. Illinois Extension is part of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.