10722 Cherry Blvd. Lawrenceville IL 62439
Samantha Gaither serves as a 4-H Youth Development Educator for Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, and Wayne Counties. Samantha’s focal point is providing leadership to the youth and development program that spotlights 4-H clubs, 4-H groups and youth educational events. Her goal is to offer programs that are educational, and research-based to youth. Samantha believes in the importance of offering programing in social-emotional learning, STEM, environmental stewardship, workforce prep, and positive youth development to the youth of her counties.
Samantha joined Extension in 2012 as the 4-H Program Coordinator in Crawford County and later transferred to Lawrence County in 2015. Since the start of 2022 Samantha has served as the 4-H Youth Development Educator for Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, and Wayne Counties.