Winter is upon us and those longer hours of darkness coupled with the colder temperatures can make many people experience those “winter blues.” I am...
Sprinkle more kindness for heart-health benefits
Kindness is more than a simple act—it’s a heart-healthy habit. A study in the Journal of Social Psychology found that performing acts of kindness for seven days significantly boosted happiness. Whether it’s being kind to yourself, a friend, or a stranger—or simply witnessing kindness—these...
Illinois Extension's health education transforms lives in Illinois communities
URBANA, Ill. — In line with Illinois' land-grant mission, University of Illinois Extension develops educational programs, fosters knowledge, and builds partnerships to support individuals and communities. In 2023, the team members working in Extension's Family and Consumer Sciences program areas...
Elections are stressful, Illinois Extension provides resources for parents
Bourbonnais, Ill. – With the imminent election, many parents are asking how they can talk to their kids about the current political climate in America, the election, and how they can answer questions from their kids about if their voice really matters. “Youth understand and hear more...