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Helping teens build self-esteem

4 girls standing together and waving

One of the best ways to lead a happy, healthy, and successful life is to have good self-esteem. As youth are developing socially,        emotionally, and physically, it’s important to develop good self- esteem building habits early on. 

According to the Child Development Institute:                    

Youth with high self-esteem tend to:

  • Be more confident.
  • Try new things.
  • Handle their emotions better.
  • Treat others with more kindness.

Youth with low self-esteem often:

  • Lack confidence.
  • Avoid new things.
  • Struggle with their emotions.
  • Struggle in their relationships with others.

Help teens build self-esteem by:

Showing support and encouragement. Let youth know when they’ve done something well to help them develop a more positive view of themselves. Make it a point to focus on their strengths and point out the things they can do. Perfection should not be the goal. “It’s okay if I didn’t get a perfect score on that test. I did my best, and I’ll try again on the next one!”

Avoiding put-downs. While criticism is something we all have to navigate in life, how it’s delivered can have a huge impact on self-esteem, especially when coming from an adult. For example, have a discussion together and talk through it, brainstorming solutions. Don’t put them down or make fun of what they did. Be sure to recognize when they do make good choices and be specific in describing what they did well.

Embracing their interests. Be active in learning about the hobbies/interests of your youth. Ask questions. Support their exploration of that hobby. If they don’t have one, encourage them to try something new. While this might push some out of their comfort zone, it can result in a positive and exciting experience. The feeling of accomplishing something new promotes a boost in self-esteem.

Goal setting. Help youth to identify goals they have for the future and plan out how to accomplish said goals. This important skill set will aid them for the rest of their lives. Achieving goals, big or small, has a positive impact on self-image

For more information specific to teens on how to build up their own self-esteem, go online here 

Source: In the Moment: Building Self-Esteem tip sheet

Author: Alcha Corban,  Illinois Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development